Dear All,
I am posting this notice to let you know that I have taken over from Robb Harrison as scorer for the UKBR22 and that I am organising a summer season postal competition.
The handover has had a few hiccups along the way, but I now have a membership list and contact details for most of the shooters who have competed in the past.
In the past I think Robb had a single point of contact in each shooting venue, who organised the entries and collecting and posting of the shot targets.
Unfortunately, I do not know who these individuals are and so I am have had to resort to e-mailing all that I have addresses for. I do not have e-mail addresses for some past shooters, so if you know anyone in this category, would you please be kind enough to pass along this message.
if you wish to compete once again, please let me know which competitions you want to enter and let me know your target sticker requirements and I will post these out to you.
It would be helpful if a single individual at each club would do this, but this is not a requirement.
I will not be in the country from 12th May until 4th June so unless you let me know before this, I will not be able to send out target stickers until after my return.
I am happy for people to shoot their May and June cards without stickers and just apply these when they get them and post all their targets to me in July, for scoring.
My postal address is as follows:-
C R Hanson, 29 Heron Drive, Sandal, Wakefield, W. York’s, WF2 6SP.
Please DO NOT send them recorded delivery.
If you need to contact me my e-mail address is:-
Mobile No:- 07974 439526.
I will endeavour to get the results up on the web site asap each month, but this is dependant on you getting them to me promptly and also what I have going on in my life.
As organising this is new to me, please be patient I will do my best, but I will have to learn as I go.
Kind regards,
Carl Hanson.