25 Yard Target
25 yard target, cut central ring for 10, obliterate for 10x

50 Metre Target
50 meter target, touch central 0.80mm ring for 10 x

Summer Fun Shoot
During the month of July we run a fun shoot based on one similar to the full bore benchrest. This will involve shooting a group of five shots at a distance of 50 meters to gain a 1/2 inch (12.5mm) group, or 25 meters to gain a 1/4 inch , 6.25mm group. If all 5 shots fit into a hole of the size stated, at the stated distance, you win! Outward scoring applies, so the group has to fit into a 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch circle. This is an extra target not a replacement for the normal league shoot, but only involves 5 shots. Only one attempt is allowed for the ”Best Group Shoot” no second tries. Download the target below. It is on A4 and can be printed directly without any scaling. For those without printers, please contact Robb Harrison for a master template that can be photocopied. Scores should be posted/ E-mailed to Robb in the normal way. Have fun! File size is about 32kb for this target.
Best Group Target
Use this target for both distances but mark group sizes as explained.
December Fun Shoot
During the month of December we run a fun shoot based on one similar to the UKBRA”s. This will involve shooting 10 flies at a distance of 50 meters. (For those clubs who only have a 25 meter/ 25Yard range there is a special target that has been downsized so everyone can have a go.) If all 10 flies are hit then you win! Inward scoring applies, so if you cut the line of the fly, you score. This is an extra target not a replacement for the normal league shoot, but only involves 10 shots. Only one attempt is allowed for the ”Fly-Shoot, no second tries. Download the targets below. They are on A4 and can be printed directly without any scaling. For those without printers, please contact Robb Harrison for a master template that can be photocopied. Scores should be posted/ E-mailed to Robb in the normal way. Have fun! File sizes are 480kb per target.
Fly Shoot Target